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December 13, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
“Art is a magic that makes hours melt and even days dissolve in seconds, isn't it [...]


November 29, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
SIGNS POINT TO YES is an exhibition that ends Coletivo Amarelo's first year of existence, bringing together works [...]

Affordable Art Fair Hamburg

November 7, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Coletivo Amarelo at the Affordable Art Fair in Hamburg After participating in the edition of the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam, Coletivo [...]

Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam

October 24, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Coletivo Amarelo at the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam In November, Coletivo Amarelo will be present at the Affordable Art Fair in [...]

Chico Diaz and the Real Imaginary: an encounter between dreamscapes and the physics of emotions

October 9, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Within the vibrant colors and forceful expressions, we enter a universe where the imagined merges with the concrete, where [...]


September 18, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Our third exhibition opens on September 23rd at 6pm in our space. A solo exhibition by Gabriela [...]

8th edition of Poster Mostra in Marvila

September 15, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Last days to visit the 8th edition of Poster Mostra in Marvila The 8th edition of Poster Mostra, started in [...]

Helena Almeida – Inhabited photography

September 8, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
The renowned Portuguese artist Helena Almeida is on display at the Moreira Salles Institute in São Paulo. Entitled 'Inhabited photography, anthology [...]

Osias André: Scholarship Holders and Finalists '22 Ar.Co Exhibition

August 24, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Osias André and Ar.Co – Bolseiros & Finalistas'22 Ar.Co is an independent art school that was born in [...]

Barbie and the inspiration in the work of Wayne Thiebaud

August 7, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Barbie and inspiration in the work of Wayne Thiebaud One of the most anticipated films of recent years, the live action [...]

Collective Experiment: Confluence

June 29, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
Our second exhibition “COLLECTIVE EXPERIMENT: CONFLUENCE” opens on July 8 at 6 pm in our space. The exposure [...]

Coletivo Amarelo Brochure: an invitation to collect

June 15, 2023 by Stephanie Wruck
I would say that my first encounters with zines only happened because of my deep admiration and enthusiasm for punk [...]