Osias André: Scholarship Holders and Finalists '22 Ar.Co Exhibition

by | August 24, 2023

Osias André and Ar.Co – Bolseiros & Finalistas'22

Ar.Co is an independent art school that was born in 1973 and annually holds an exhibition that brings together a selection of works by finalists and scholarship students of the school year. One of the artists from Coletivo Amarelo, Osias André, is among those selected and we can check out his works in the exhibition that runs until September 3rd!

Ar.Co – Scholarship holders & Finalists'22

The exhibition aimed at the works of students and scholarship holders at the school is called Ar.Co – Bolseiros & Finalistas'22 and displays the works carried out in the years 2021 and 2022. In all, there are 25 artists that encompass different artistic departments, including Visual Arts , Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Photography, Illustration and Jewellery.

According to the Executive Director of the exhibition, Manuel Castro Caldas, the annual show aims to promote the exhibitors' critical self-distance and their accountability vis-à-vis the wider fabric of society and history. As for the school, the exhibition makes it possible to assess the relevance and effectiveness of changes and updates to its pedagogy. And for visitors, the exhibition is an opportunity to experience the different arts, once considered “minor” and “major”.

For Ar.Co, and Coletivo Amarelo, this hierarchical distinction between different forms of art is something non-existent. With the exhibition, the public has the opportunity to absorb these different forms of art and understand that there is no greater or lesser weight.

Osias André and Ar.Co

Osias André, a Mozambican artist, is one of those selected for this year's exhibition. The artist has unique look and expressions in his art. His works feature black bodies in motion, almost always naked, and different pictorial elements that help express this movement, creating a kind of choreography on canvas.

The artist has already had his works exhibited in other editions of the exhibition, winning awards on other occasions.

In addition to the works exhibited at Ar.Co, it is possible to follow the work of Osias André in the exhibition Confluência do Coletivo Amarelo, which runs until the second half of September!

Ar.Co – Bolseiros & Finalistas'22 runs until September 3rd and is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 1pm/2pm to 6pm!