Eduarda Rosa

Eduarda Rosa (1949) lives and works in Lisbon. He graduated in Pharmacy and received his PhD in Organic Chemistry from Imperial College in London, having developed his professional life at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Lisbon. He began his training in the area of visual arts in evening courses at the schools Ar.Co and Arte Ilimitada, having retired enrolled in the Drawing Course at Ar.Co (2007–09), followed by the Advanced Course in Visual Arts (2009–11) and a year of Individual Project (2011–12).

His first solo exhibition, Trans Shapes, took place in 2014, at Espaço AZ, followed by GTF.des in 2015, at the Geological Museum, both in Lisbon. In 2016, at Culturgest in Porto, his solo exhibition took place, Sensitive Classifications and in 2018, in Coimbra, at Galeria 7, his solo exhibition took place Primitive Forms. His most recent solo exhibition was Back home and Transformations of the commonplace, NowHere, Lisbon in 2021, in February 2020, at the José Malhoa Museum in Caldas da Rainha.

“Eduarda Rosa’s poetry is characterized by the reorganization of the world through the recomposition of images meticulously cut out and taken from old publications such as dictionaries, atlases, zoology, botany, medicine books and school manuals, dating mainly from the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, in a kind of deconstruction of scientific methods. Procedures such as systematization, cataloging, intervention in matter through experiments and mathematical logic, with precise measurements to solve problems and prove ideas, are converted into organization, creation of relationships, accumulation of objects and subversion of scientific images and words through the rigor of intuition. There are no hypotheses to be confirmed or refuted, only new ways of organizing the internal and external worlds without the aid of rationality.”- Cristiana Tejo

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