Our third exhibition opens on September 23rd at 6pm in our space.

A solo exhibition by Gabriela Albuquerque, curated by Cristiana Tejo. The exhibition brings together Albuquerque's most recent series of works, entitled “Beach House”, along with other landscape paintings. This is the artist's first solo exhibition, and she will be accompanied by Chico Diaz, who will present some of her works in our project room: The smallest gallery in Lisbon.

Gabriela Albuquerque is a Brazilian artist, who works and lives in Cascais. His current research focuses on recurring landscapes and developments beyond the historical academic tradition of this genre. The almost compulsive repetition of images seeks to exalt the paradox between permanence and impermanence of our surroundings, of that which is familiar to us, but also ephemeral. The choice of oil paint as a support, which follows a centuries-old tradition, questions the continuity of certain practices that persist despite constant innovations. The paintings are more than just records of moments and places, they are also an attempt – perhaps frustrated – to make the ephemeral permanent.

Chico Diaz is a Mexican-Brazilian actor and visual artist currently based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Diaz spent most of his childhood traveling between Peru, Costa Rica and Paraguay. At age 14, Diaz began his acting career and has been active since the late 1970s, appearing in several Brazilian television series and films. In 2022, he won the best actor award at the Gramado Festival for the film “Noites Alienígenas”. The film was recently shown at the FESTIN Film Festival in Lisbon. Chico Diaz has been painting since childhood. His body of work carries expressive dichotomies, all found in dream narratives and landscapes that refer to the world of dreams. Ranging from spiritual symbolisms to Brazilian horizons, he is capable of engineering a contrasting vocabulary; often oscillating between dark figures and joyful images.

We hope to see you there!

8ª edição do Poster Mostra em Marvila

8th edition of Poster Mostra in Marvila

Last days to visit the 8th edition of Poster Mostra in Marvila

The 8th edition of Poster Mostra, which started on May 20th, is coming to an end! The open-air exhibition runs until September 20th. There were 4 months of art displayed in buildings throughout the streets of Marvila, a neighborhood that breathes culture in Lisbon.

Exhibition Poster – Open air art

Poster Mostra is a public exhibition on the streets of Marvila, one of the most active cultural centers in Lisbon. The initiative emerged as a tribute to one of the most classic forms of media, the poster. 

The posters created include photography, drawing, words, illustration or mix media and, as in previous editions, a total of 17 winners were selected, based on originality, approach and applicability to the poster format.

In total, there are 37 artists, 20 guests and 17 winners, exhibiting their works on a circuit between Rua do Açúcar and Largo do Poço do Bispo.

With Poster Mostra, Marvila proves once again that it is a center rich in culture, transforming its streets into a true art gallery.

This is not the only artistic intervention present in the neighborhood, which has several art galleries, such as Underdogs, neighboring Coletivo Amarelo, and which recently had an exhibition by Shepard Fairey, a famous North American street artist.

Don't miss the opportunity to experience this artistic experience through the main streets of Marvila! 


Helena Almeida – Fotografia habitada

Helena Almeida – Inhabited photography

The renowned Portuguese artist Helena Almeida is on display at the Moreira Salles Institute in São Paulo. Titled 'Inhabited photography, anthology by Helena Almeida, 1969-2018', this is the artist's first solo exhibition in Brazil. The exhibition is now open to the public and takes place at IMS Paulista until September 24th.

Helena Almeida: Who is the artist?

Helena Almeida was born in Lisbon in 1934, where she lived until her death in September 2018.

Her journey in art has spanned different formats, from drawing, painting, sculpture and performance. However, it was photography that the artist focused her work. At the end of the 1960s, Helena Almeida began what would mark the rest of her life as an artist, photography, which stood out for its originality and pioneering spirit.

The artist also experimented with the use of painting in her photographs, creating works that marked her career, such as “Pinturas Habitadas” (1975-1977) and “Dento de Mim” (2001).

The artist represented Portugal around the world, twice at the Venice Biennale, in 1982 and in 2005, at the São Paulo Biennale, in 1979 and 2004 at the Sydney Biennale. With this trajectory, Helena Almeida became one of the main Portuguese contemporary artists.

In recent years, her work has been exhibited in solo exhibitions such as the one taking place at the Moreira Salles Institute in São Paulo.

Inhabited photography, anthology by Helena Almeida, 1969-2018

The exhibition Fotografia Habitada, an anthology by Helena Almeida, 1969-2018 will be the renowned Portuguese artist’s first solo exhibition in Brazil. Curated by Isabel Carlos, curator of contemporary art and art historian, the exhibition will present a selection of works based on photography and drawing, created between 1969 and 2018.

The works address recurring themes in Almeida's production, such as the interrogation of genres and artistic processes and the self-representation of artists and women.

In its production, more than an artistic or documentary genre, photography is a conceptual support for the ideas and processes of creation. This subversion of the limits of the definitions of the work of art, in addition to the constant reiteration of her condition as a woman artist, brings Helena Almeida's work up to date, confirming the historical relevance of her role in a generation that opened new paths and processes in ways of thinking and articulate the relationship between art and life.

The exhibition runs until September 24th, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 10pm at Instituto Moreira Salles Paulista in São Paulo.